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Mod_rewrite rule for one URL with percent

I don't get it. I have a htacces-file for single URLs to be redirected.


Redirect 301 /upload/pdfs/2014/12345678.pdf /upload/documents/12345678.pdf

Ok, works so far.

But now I have to redirect this URL:




I've tried a lot of expressions like:

Redirect 301 /com/cars/detail/1234/[DB%0A%0Alink].html http://www.domain.de/Car-JohnDoe
Redirect 301 /com/cars/detail/1234/([^0-9]*) http://www.domain.de/Car-JohnDoe
Redirect 301 /com/cars/detail/1234/([^0-9]*)$ http://www.domain.de/Car-JohnDoe
Redirect 301 /com/cars/detail/1234/(.*)$ http://www.domain.de/Car-JohnDoe
Redirect 301 /com/cars/detail/1234/(.*)$ http://www.domain.de/Car-JohnDoe
RedirectMatch 301 ^/com/cars/detail/1234/(.*)$ http://www.domain.de/Car-JohnDoe
Redirect 301 /com/cars/detail/1234/[DB\%0A\%0Alink].html http://www.domain.de/Car-JohnDoe

But nothing worked at all. The "1234" is an ID, so everything that comes afer that coul be a wildcard/placegolder. But actually I need a rule only for this single URL.

I hope you understand what I mean (sorry for my bad english)...

Best wishes Bazi

This should work to match /com/cars/detail/1234/[DB%0A%0Alink].html and redirect to /Car-JohnDoe :

RedirectMatch 301 "^/com/cars/detail/1234/\[DB\s+link\].html" /Car-JohnDoe

For other rules also make sure to use RedirectMatch instead of Redirect

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