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Custom pattern for grunt-usemin poster attribute html video tag

I'm currently using yeoman and the grunt-usemin task to revved my assets. However, since I'm using the video tag, usemin ignores the poster attribute.


<video id="video-1" poster="/images/awesomeFeature.png">
  <source src="..."/>

After grunt-usemin I would expect the following:

<video id="video-1" poster="/images/ch6k8.awesomeFeature.png">
  <source src="..."/>

I tried using the documented patterns option documented here , such as the following:

usemin: {
    options: {
        assetsDirs: ['<%= cw.dist %>'],
        patterns: {
          html: [[/poster="([^"]*")/, 'Replacing reference to posters']]
    html: ['<%= cw.dist %>/{,*/}*.html'],
    css: ['<%= cw.dist %>/styles/{,*/}*.css']

However, it doesn't work. Examples from the grunt-usemin repository work with javascript, but I can't seem to make them work with HTML. Previous issues point that this is the right direction, but can't seem to find a working example. Ideas?

This issue has some details https://github.com/yeoman/grunt-usemin/issues/164

The gist is that you may need to alter usemin code. The issue has been closed, but I'm not sure the code as been fixed in the project.

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