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Build a Category tree with a php recursion

I have a MySQL table with categories whic look like:

categoryID | categoryName  | parentID
1          | books         | NULL
2          | newspapers    | NULL
3          | sci-fi        | 1
4          | robot stories | 3

I need to build a category tree with recursion when I have only the ID of 'robot stories' and it has to look like:

books -> sci-fi -> robot stories

Any advise will be helpful!

If the tree is not too big, I would just load the whole thing in memory (you can cache it too):

$tree = [];
$stmt = $db->query("SELECT * FROM categories");
while (($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) !== false) {
    $tree[$row['categoryID']] = $row;

$currentCategoryId = 4;
$hierarchy = [];

// build hierarchy, working from leaf to root
while (isset($tree[$currentCategoryId])) {
    array_unshift($hierarchy, $tree[$currentCategoryId]);
    $currentCategoryId = $tree[$currentCategoryId]['parentId'];


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