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Cant seem to get my ifstream and ofstream to work properley when using getline() and Ignore() functions Cant Use Loops or Arrays ect

I cant read in the integers after my getline() reads in the string. I have to read in the whole entire name from a data file, then read in the pay rate, then the number of dependants, and then the percentage of gross. I can use Arrays loops vectors or anything of that sort. I can only use the getline() and Ignore() functions or something similar to that. So my question is where am I going wrong here?

Here is what the data file looks like (I only coded for it to read in one person):

John W. Smith




Mary Anderson




Brad W. Baker




Heather Johnson




Here is my code so far:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    ifstream indata;
    ofstream outdata;
    string fname, lname;
    int hours;
    hours = 0;
    double payrate;
    double gross;
    double taxes;
    double ssecurity;
    int dependants;
    double retirement;
    double net;
    double percgross;
    int insurance;

    getline(indata, fname);

    cout << "Please enter the total hours worked for " << fname << endl;
    cin >> hours;
    indata >> payrate >> insurance;
    gross = payrate * hours;
    taxes = 0.23 * gross;
    ssecurity = 0.08 * gross;
    dependants = 12 * insurance;
    indata >> percgross;
    retirement = percgross * gross / 100;
    net = gross - taxes - ssecurity - dependants - retirement;

    cout << fname << "'s net pay is: $" << net << endl;
    outdata << fname << endl;
    outdata << "Gross Pay: $" << gross << endl;
    outdata << "Taxes: $" << taxes << endl;
    outdata << "Social Security: $" << ssecurity << endl;
    outdata << "Insurance: $" << dependants << endl;
    outdata << "Retirement: $" << retirement << endl;
    outdata << endl << endl;
    outdata << "Net Pay: $" << net << endl;
    outdata << endl << endl;

    // Next person here:

    cin.ignore(10, '\n');
    getline(indata, fname);

    cout << "Please enter the total hours worked for " << fname << lname << endl;
    cin >> hours;

    indata >> payrate;
    gross = payrate * hours;
    taxes = 0.23 * gross;
    ssecurity = 0.08 * gross;
    indata >> insurance;
    dependants = 12 * insurance;
    indata >> percgross;
    retirement =  percgross * gross / 100;
    net = gross - taxes - ssecurity - dependants - retirement;

    cout << fname << lname << "'s net pay is: $" << net << endl;
    outdata << fname << lname << endl;
    outdata << "Gross Pay: $" << gross << endl;
    outdata << "Taxes: $" << taxes << endl;
    outdata << "Social Security: $" << ssecurity << endl;
    outdata << "Insurance: $" << dependants << endl;
    outdata << "Retirement: $" << retirement << endl;
    outdata << endl << endl;
    outdata << "Net Pay: $" << net << endl;
    outdata << endl << endl;


     return 0;

change retirement = percgross * gross; to retirement = percgross * gross / 100; You read in the percentage of gross, and multiply it directly, then the retirement is bigger than gross .
for the multiple persons scenario, use a loop statement.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    ifstream indata;
    ofstream outdata;
    string fname, lname;
    int hours;
    hours = 0;
    double payrate;
    double gross;
    double taxes;
    double ssecurity;
    int dependants;
    double retirement;
    double net;
    double percgross;
    int insurance;


    while(getline(indata, fname) )
        if(fname.empty() )
        cout << "Please enter the total hours worked for " << fname << endl;
        cin >> hours;
        indata >> payrate >> insurance;
        gross = payrate * hours; //690.25
        taxes = 0.23 * gross;//158.75
        ssecurity = 0.08 * gross;//51.7
        dependants = 12 * insurance;//3
        indata >> percgross;
        retirement = percgross * gross / 100;//34.51
        net = gross - taxes - ssecurity - dependants - retirement;

        cout << fname << "'s net pay is: $" << net << endl;
        outdata << fname << endl;
        outdata << "Gross Pay: $" << gross << endl;
        outdata << "Taxes: $" << taxes << endl;
        outdata << "Social Security: $" << ssecurity << endl;
        outdata << "Insurance: $" << dependants << endl;
        outdata << "Retirement: $" << retirement << endl;
        outdata << endl << endl;
        outdata << "Net Pay: $" << net << endl;
        outdata << endl << endl;



    return 0;

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