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HTML5 Canvas issue

Is there a way to stop users on dragging the mouse down so they only can click instead of click and drag. I want htem to be only to draw dots on the canvas or any pattern i define similar to a stamp tool.

function Sketcher( canvasID, brushImage ) {
this.renderFunction = (brushImage == null || brushImage == undefined) ? this.updateCanvasByLine : this.updateCanvasByBrush;
this.brush = brushImage;
this.touchSupported = Modernizr.touch;
this.canvasID = canvasID;
this.canvas = $("#"+canvasID);
this.context = this.canvas.get(0).getContext("2d"); 
this.context.strokeStyle = "#000000";
this.context.lineWidth = 3;
this.lastMousePoint = {x:0, y:0};

if (this.touchSupported) {
    this.mouseDownEvent = "touchstart";
    this.mouseMoveEvent = "touchmove";
    this.mouseUpEvent = "touchend";
else {
    this.mouseDownEvent = "mousedown";
    this.mouseMoveEvent = "mousemove";
    this.mouseUpEvent = "mouseup";

this.canvas.bind( this.mouseDownEvent, this.onCanvasMouseDown() );

 Sketcher.prototype.onCanvasMouseDown = function () {
var self = this;
return function(event) {
    self.mouseMoveHandler = self.onCanvasMouseMove()
    self.mouseUpHandler = self.onCanvasMouseUp()

    $(document).bind( self.mouseMoveEvent, self.mouseMoveHandler );
    $(document).bind( self.mouseUpEvent, self.mouseUpHandler );

    self.updateMousePosition( event );
    self.renderFunction( event );

  Sketcher.prototype.onCanvasMouseMove = function () {
var self = this;
return function(event) {

    self.renderFunction( event );
    return false;

Sketcher.prototype.onCanvasMouseUp = function (event) {
var self = this;
return function(event) {

    $(document).unbind( self.mouseMoveEvent, self.mouseMoveHandler );
    $(document).unbind( self.mouseUpEvent, self.mouseUpHandler );

    self.mouseMoveHandler = null;
    self.mouseUpHandler = null;

Sketcher.prototype.updateMousePosition = function (event) {
var target;
if (this.touchSupported) {
    target = event.originalEvent.touches[0]
else {
    target = event;

var offset = this.canvas.offset();
this.lastMousePoint.x = target.pageX - offset.left;
this.lastMousePoint.y = target.pageY - offset.top;


Sketcher.prototype.updateCanvasByLine = function (event) {

this.context.moveTo( this.lastMousePoint.x, this.lastMousePoint.y );
this.updateMousePosition( event );
this.context.lineTo( this.lastMousePoint.x, this.lastMousePoint.y );

 Sketcher.prototype.updateCanvasByBrush = function (event) {
var halfBrushW = this.brush.width/2;
var halfBrushH = this.brush.height/2;

var start = { x:this.lastMousePoint.x, y: this.lastMousePoint.y };
this.updateMousePosition( event );
var end = { x:this.lastMousePoint.x, y: this.lastMousePoint.y };

var distance = parseInt( Trig.distanceBetween2Points( start, end ) );
var angle = Trig.angleBetween2Points( start, end );

var x,y;

for ( var z=0; (z<=distance || z==0); z++ )
    x = start.x + (Math.sin(angle) * z) - halfBrushW;
    y = start.y + (Math.cos(angle) * z) - halfBrushH;
    //console.log( x, y, angle, z );
    this.context.drawImage(this.brush, x, y);

 Sketcher.prototype.toString = function () {

var dataString = this.canvas.get(0).toDataURL("image/png");
var index = dataString.indexOf( "," )+1;
dataString = dataString.substring( index );

return dataString;

Sketcher.prototype.toDataURL = function () {

var dataString = this.canvas.get(0).toDataURL("image/png");
return dataString;

 Sketcher.prototype.clear = function () {

var c = this.canvas[0];
this.context.clearRect( 0, 0, c.width, c.height );

You can achieve this by simply ignoring the mousemove and mouseup event handlers by either not initializing them or using flags to indicate that you are in stamp mode.

All you need is:

canvas.onmousedown = function(e) {
    var pos = getMousePos(e);
    render(pos.x, pos.y);

That's it, and it works similar for touch events.

To use flag (I would not recommend adding and removing handlers all the time):

var isStampMode = true;

canvas.onmousemove = function(e) {
    if (isStampMode) return;


and similar for mouse up (but not really necessary unless it depends on what you do in mousedown).

Live example here

Hope this helps!

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