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Excel 2010 VBA Error 1004 with formula

I have this code:

Dim fStrecke As String
fStrecke = "=A" & z & "*B" & z & "*C" & z
wks.Cells(z, "L").Formula = fStrecke

Dim fZeit As String
fZeit = "=IF(ISBLANK(H" & z & ");((A" & z & "*B" & z & "*I" & z & ")-I" & z & ")+(A" & z & "*B" & z & "*J" & z & ");(A" & z & "*B" & z & "*H" & z & "))"
wks.Cells(z, "K").Formula = fZeit

The first formula is working and for the second i get an runtime error 1004. any idea? i have formatted the column K as user defined with "m:ss".

There are two options for you:

  1. use .FormulaLocal property: wks.Cells(z, "K").FormulaLocal = fZeit
  2. use comma , as separator instead of semicolon ; (even if your local settings require ; as standard separator):

fZeit = "=IF(ISBLANK(H" & z & "),((A" & z & "*B" & z & "*I" & z & ")-I" & z & ")+(A" & z & "*B" & z & "*J" & z & "),(A" & z & "*B" & z & "*H" & z & "))"
wks.Cells(z, "K").Formula = fZeit

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