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Android Facebook unity 5.0.3 plugin issues

I am getting two issues with this plugin.

1: When I call this code below I get an API error code of 1 inside the Facebook dialog.

FB.Feed (linkName: "Space Bird", linkCaption: "I just made the distance of " +pdist+"km! How far can you go?", link: "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=wms.app.spacebird");

Is there something wrong with it?

2: On my Facebook account in my app, the sharing button works, but if I use someone else's account, it shows the dialog that this app will like to post on your behalf (or something like that) and if you hit OK, it disappears.

This is what I got for debug for that:

02-21 14:40:26.350: V/FBUnitySDK(5497): sending to Unity OnLoginComplete({"cancelled":true,"key_hash":"keyhashhere"})
02-21 14:40:26.840: V/FBUnitySDK(5497): sending to Unity OnFeedRequestComplete({"error":"not logged in"})

And yes, I do have the correct keyhash on Facebook.

So, what should I try for both of these issues?


There is a bug on our side, and we will try to fix it as soon as possible.

If your link contains dots in get parameters, the feed will fail.

One of the temporary workarounds is to use a URL shortener .

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