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Clear jquery.validate error messages on change/hide of disabled attributes

Trying to clear the error messages when the disabled fields are toggled on and off on my form using jquery.validate. Right now I have it working where on change or on click fields are showing and changing the prop from disabled. So it works for what I need which is hiding the fields that are not necessary and not validating them when they are in a disabled state. However, when I toggle these fields back to their disabled state ad hide them, the error messages are still showing until I click submit again. I tried adding the .valid() call to the toggleDisabled function and it does not make the messages disappear when they go back to a hidden/disabled state. Anyone see what can be added to make the messages disappear when the fields do?

Here is the working fiddle with what I have so far: JS Fiddle

And I am using jquery.validate from :



<form id="myform">
<input type="text" name="field1" />
<br />
<input type="text" id="toggleInput" name="toggleInputName" disabled style="display:none" />
<input type="button" id="toggleButton" value="Toggle Disabled" />

<div id="tickets">
    <label for="group1">Number of Tickets: <span class="req">*</span></label>
    <select class="group1_dropdown" id="group1" name="group1">
        <option value="0">-- Please select --</option>
        <option value="1">Member</option>
        <option value="2">Member + 1 Guest</option>
        <option value="3">Member + 2 Guests</option>
        <option value="4">Member + 3 Guests</option>
<input type="text" id="payMethod" name="payMethodName" disabled style="display:none" />
<input type="submit" />


$(document).ready(function () {
        onblur: true,
        onkeyup: false,
        ignore: ":disabled",
        rules: {
            field1: {
                required: true,
                minlength: 5
            payMethodName: {
                required: true,
                minlength: 5
            toggleInputName: {
                required: true,
                minlength: 5
        submitHandler: function (form) { // for demo
            alert('valid form');
            return false;
//used for toggling/showing disabled fields - will display and make not disabled on same click event
(function ($) {
    $.fn.toggleDisabled = function () {
        return this.each(function () {
            var $this = $(this);
            if ($this.prop('disabled')) {
                $this.prop('disabled', false).show();
            } else {
                $this.prop('disabled', true).hide();
  $(function () {
    $('#toggleButton').click(function () {
$(function () {
$("#group1").change(function () {
    var str = "";
    str = parseInt($(this).val());
    if(str == 2)


I have changed your plugin a little to do what you want.

Fiddle Demo

(function ($) {
    $.fn.toggleDisabled = function () {
        return this.each(function () {
            var $this = $(this),
                id = $this.attr('id'), //get the id of input
                label = $this.next('label[for="' + id + '"]'); //find the next label which is added by jQuery Validator
            if ($this.prop('disabled')) {
                label.show(); //show the label
                $this.prop('disabled', false).show();
            } else {
                label.hide();//hide the label
                $this.prop('disabled', true).hide();


Another way without changing your plugin

Fiddle Demo

 $(document).ready(function () { //place your all DOM ready code in one DOM ready handler var validator = $('#myform').validate({ //assign validate to a variable //validator code here }); $('#toggleButton').click(function () { validator.resetForm();//reset Form validation $('#toggleInput').toggleDisabled(); }); }); 

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