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Uglify with SourceMaps while using grunt usemin and rev

I want to log javascript errors to server but the stacktrace is not useful with minified JS code. So I was thinking of using either Getsentry or Rollbar which shows proper stack trace with the help of sourcemaps . But I'm struggling to create sourcemap in first place.

I'm getting this error

"Destination (_build/js/app.js) not written because src files were empty."

Once it creates source map properly, there will be another problem ie rev will rename the file. I also need to leave the unminified concatenated file.

Below is my gruntfile.js (I've removed few bits out of it.)

module.exports = function(grunt) {

        pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
        clean: {
            jsFolders: {
                src: [
            build: {
                src: ['_build/**/*']

        copy: {
            build: {
                files: [{
                    expand: true,
                    src: [
                        'img/**/*', //includes web.cofig also.
                        'js/**/*', //includes web.cofig also.
                        'css/**/*', //includes web.cofig also.
                    dest: '_build/'

        rev: {
            option: {
                algorithm: 'sha1',
                length: 4
            all: {
                files: {
                    src: [

        useminPrepare: {
            html: ['_build/index.html']

        usemin: {
            html: [
            css: [

        uglify: {
            options: {
                sourceMap: '_build/js/app.js.map',
            js: {
                files: {
                    '_build/js/app.js': ['_build/js/app.js']

        cssmin: {
            minify: {
                expand: true,
                cwd: '_build/css/',
                src: '*.css',
                dest: '_build/css/'

grunt.registerTask('build', [



Tried @Andy's solution, it still shows the same error "Destination (_build/js/app.js) not written because src files were empty." and it also says below while building

  { options:
   { sourceMap: true,
     sourceMapName: '_build/js/app.js.map' },
  js: { files: { '_build/js/app.js': [ '_build/js/app.js' ] } },
   { files:
      [ { dest: 'dist\\js\\app.js',
          src: [ '.tmp\\concat\\js\\app.js' ] } ] } }

Don't know where it got dest name from. My output folder is _build .

Refer to below links for better solution
https://stackoverflow.com/a/20574196/148271 https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-uglify/issues/39#issuecomment-14856100

useminPrepare is merging the existing uglify config with its own, but nested under generated . Therefore this configuration for uglify works for me

  uglify: {
    generated: {
      options: {
        sourceMap: true

There is no simple solution to getting sourcemaps to work with the usemin flow. Its a known problem that hasnt been addressed in a year it seems:



The options for uglify are:

sourceMap: true,
sourceMapName: 'path/to/name.map'

For example, in my GruntFile.js I use the name found in package.json :

sourceMap: true,
sourceMapName: 'dist/<%= pkg.name %>-<%= pkg.version %>.map'

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