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Missing Application-Name manifest attribute for:

I have an application with some external jars I created. With the new java policy I had to sign my application and all jars. I buyed a certificate and signed my jar application and all other jars. Then I got a error " missing permissions attribute in jar manifest ". I added Permissions: all-permissions to the manifest of my jar (not the other external jars). And now I have the error Missing Application-Name manifest attribute for:... But I don't know what I have to put as application-name. Is that the name of my jar?

I tried to add to the manifest of all other jars "Permissions: all-permissions" but then my application doesn't work at all.

thanks for the answers

This is what helps me out: How do I fix "missing Codebase, Permissions, and Application-Name manifest attribute" in my JNLP app?

I just had to put THREE extra attributes in the manifest of ALL jars.

有关添加到MANIFEST.MF的新安全属性的更多信息, 请参阅此链接

I had this problem and I was also getting security warnings similar to this post

It was a quick fix by making sure then when exporting the jar file I had "Export Java source files and resources" ticked. Didn't even need to adjust the manifest file in the end.

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