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How can I create a generic collection which contains a specific type?

In C# I would like to create a generic deck of cards. Enabling me to eg Create a stack of cards, a queue of cards or any other collection of cards? Providing that this collection is a derived from IEnumerable.

public class Deck<T> where T : IEnumerable
    private T<ICard> __Cards;

    public Deck() : this(52){}

    public Deck(int cards)
        __Cards = new T<Card>(cards);

Some other class... calling

Deck<List> _Deck = new Deck<List>();

I get the following error:

The type parameter 'T' cannot be used with type arguments

I think this is a case that would be better solved with inheritance

public abstract class Deck 
  public abstract ICard this[int index]

  protected void Create(int cardCount);

public sealed class DeckList : Deck
  private List<ICard> m_list;
  public override ICard this[int index] 
    get { return m_list[index]; }
    set { m_list[index] = value; }
  protected override void Create(int cards) 
    m_list = new List<ICard>(cards);

If you continue down the generic path I think you will ultimately find that you need a type with 2 generic parameters

  • The collection type
  • The element type


public class Deck<TElement, TCollection> 
  where TCollection : IEnumerable<TElement>

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