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NuGet package restore with Mono on Travis CI failing

My project compiles & runs fine on OSX and Windows. However, trying to get it hooked up to Travis CI, I get this error from NuGet (using version 2.8):

Could not load type 'NuGet.MSBuildProjectUtility' from assembly 'NuGet, Version=2.8.50126.400, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

Not really sure what to think about this one... MSBuildProjectUtility is obviously present in the assembly.

Your Mono version is very old, the project built fine for me on Mono 3.2.1.

To get a more recent version you can use this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~directhex/+archive/monoxide .


Add it to your system with sudo add-apt-repository ppa:directhex/monoxide && sudo apt-get update . Then you can install Mono with sudo apt-get install mono-devel .

Xamarin now ships official Mono packages for Linux, so the PPA isn't necessary anymore. See http://www.mono-project.com/docs/getting-started/install/linux/ for the installation guide.

Note: in order for Mono to verify SSL connections, you also need to import certificates with mozroots --import --sync , otherwise downloading packages from nuget.org will fail.

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