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How to proper use forloop in ajax

can anyone help me with my code in ajax....i have some error in my script code in ajax because of improper use of forloop...can anyone help me with my code please.

my problem is in the ajax script code....the update.php is ok no error it works perfectly.

script code:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
       $('#updates').click(function (e) {


           var $region = $('#t_region').val();
           var $town = $('#t_town').val();
           var $uniq_id = $('#t_uniq_id').val();
           var $position = $('#t_position').val();
           var $salary_grade = $('#t_salary_grade').val();
           var $salary = $('#t_salary').val();

    for($n=1;$n<=15;$n++)   {
           var $id = $('#id'.$n).val();
           var $aic = $('#aic'.$n).val();
           var $name = $('#name'.$n).val();
           var $optA = $('#optA'.$n).val();
           var $optB = $('#optB'.$n).val();
           var $optC = $('#optC'.$n).val();
           var $optD = $('#optD'.$n).val();
           var $other_qual = $('#other_qual'.$n).val();
           var $interview = $('#interview'.$n).val();
           var $total = $('#total'.$n).val();


               type: "POST",
               url: "update.php",
               data: {
                   region_text: $region,
                   town_text: $town,
                   uniq_id_text: $uniq_id,
                   position_text: $position,
                   salary_grade_text: $salary_grade,
                   salary_text: $salary,

              for($x=1;$x<=15;$x++) {

                   id'.$x.'_text: $id,
                   aic'.$x.'_text: $aic,
                   name'.$x.'_text: $name,
                   optA'.$x.'_text: $optA,
                   optB'.$x.'_text: $optB,
                   optC'.$x.'_text: $optC,
                   optD'.$x.'_text: $optD,
                   other_qual'.$x.'_text: $other_qual,
                   interview'.$x.'_text: $interview,
                   total'.$x.'_text: $total,
               cache: false,
               success: function (data) {




update.php code:


    $region        = @$_POST['region_text'];
    $town          = @$_POST['town_text'];
    $uniq_id       = @$_POST['uniq_id_text'];
    $position      = @$_POST['position_text'];
    $salary_grade  = @$_POST['salary_grade_text'];
    $salary        = @$_POST['salary_text'];

$dupesql = "SELECT * FROM afnup_worksheet WHERE funiq_id = '$uniq_id'";
$duperow = mysql_query($dupesql);
if(mysql_num_rows($duperow) > 0){

    for($n=1;$n<=15;$n++)   {

    $id           = @$_POST['id'.$n.'_text'];
    $aic          = @$_POST['aic'.$n.'_text'];
    $name         = @$_POST['name'.$n.'_text'];
    $optA         = @$_POST['optA'.$n.'_text'];
    $optB         = @$_POST['optB'.$n.'_text'];
    $optC         = @$_POST['optC'.$n.'_text'];
    $optD         = @$_POST['optD'.$n.'_text'];
    $other_qual   = @$_POST['other_qual'.$n.'_text'];
    $interview    = @$_POST['interview'.$n.'_text'];
    $total        = @$_POST['total'.$n.'_text'];

$query = "INSERT INTO afnup_worksheet (faic,fregion,ftown,funiq_id,fposition,fsalary_grade,fsalary,fnl_name,edu_attain,experience,seminars,eligibility,other_qual,interview,ftotal,dateinputed) 
$resource = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

This should work:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
   $('#updates').click(function (e) {
        var data = {};
        data.region_text = $('#t_region').val();
        data.town_text = $('#t_town').val();
        data.uniq_id_text = $('#t_uniq_id').val();
        data.position_text = $('#t_position').val();
        data.salary_grade_text = $('#t_salary_grade').val();
        data.salary_text = $('#t_salary').val();

        for(var $x=1;$x<=15;$x++) {
            data['id'+$x+'_text'] = $('#id'+$x).val();
            data['aic'+$x+'_text'] = $('#aic'+$x).val();
            data['name'+$x+'_text'] = $('#name'+$x).val();
            data['optA'+$x+'_text'] = $('#optA'+$x).val();
            data['optB'+$x+'_text'] = $('#optB'+$x).val();
            data['optC'+$x+'_text'] = $('#optC'+$x).val();
            data['optD'+$x+'_text'] = $('#optD'+$x).val();
            data['other_qual'+$x+'_text'] = $('#other_qual'+$x).val();
            data['interview'+$x+'_text'] = $('#interview'+$x).val();
            data['total'+$x+'_text'] = $('#total'+$x).val();

            type: "POST",
            url: "update.php",
            data: data,
            cache: false,
            success: function (response) {
            // We are using response to distinguish our outer data variable here from the response

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