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WPF combobox bind with collections displayvaluepath,SelectedValuePath not working

Problem in WPF ComboBox item:


<ComboBox x:Name="cboSelectSeries"  Width="100" Height="25" Grid.Row="3"
          Grid.Column="3" SelectedIndex="0"
          ItemsSource="{Binding}" SelectedValuePath="SeriesNumber" 
          DisplayMemberPath="NId" />


internal List<NPIS.PortableObject.NPIS> NCollection;
cboSelectSeries.DataContext = NCollection;


with items as "NPIS.PortableObject.NPIS"

I suspect it could not find property path NId in class NPIS . Make sure you have public exposed property in underlying class. Also path name is case sensitive , make sure path name and property name is correct.

public int NId { get; set; }

I tried the following code and it did worked.

public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public List<PortableObject> NCollection;

    public MainWindow()

        NCollection = getdata();
        cboSelectSeries.DataContext = NCollection;

    private List<PortableObject> getdata()
        return new List<PortableObject>
                               new PortableObject
                                       SeriesNumber = 001,
                                       NId = 10,
                                    new PortableObject
                                       SeriesNumber = 002,
                                       NId = 20,
                                    new PortableObject
                                       SeriesNumber = 003,
                                       NId = 30,

public class PortableObject
    public int SeriesNumber { get; set; }
    public int NId { get; set; }

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