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Convert TIF to JPG without increasing Bit Depth

I am trying to convert TIF image to JPG image. For that I am using the following code :

    SeekableStream s = new FileSeekableStream(tiffUrl);
    TIFFDecodeParam param = null;
    ImageDecoder dec = ImageCodec.createImageDecoder(EXT_TIFFX, s, param);
    RenderedImage op = dec.decodeAsRenderedImage(0);
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(jpgUrl);
    JPEGEncodeParam jpgparam = new JPEGEncodeParam();
    ImageEncoder en = ImageCodec.createImageEncoder(EXT_JEPGX, fos, jpgparam);

Before conversion my image size was approx 92KB and Bit Depth = 1 After conversion my new jpg image size is approx 1573KB and Bit Depth = 24

I need to manage my new image under 100KB. And I suppose this can be done if I control the Bit Depth to 1 itself.

Is there any solution helpful to perform this ?

IMHO you should use Apache Commons Imaging as it is a advanced and complete imaging solution. I use this to write Tiff images to PDF. There are plenty of examples . Hope this will helps !!

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