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getting access to the listview items in C# WPF

i have these lines of codes in my xaml :

 <ListView x:Name="ContactsList" MouseDoubleClick="ContactsList_MouseDoubleClick" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="453" Margin="10,10,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="235" ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="True" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled"> <ListView.View> <GridView> <GridViewColumn Header="LastName" Width="110" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding LastName}" /> <GridViewColumn Header="FirstName" Width="115" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding FirstName}" /> </GridView> </ListView.View> </ListView> 

and i got a table of data name Contacts and this is my addContact function :

ContactDBEntities db = new ContactDBEntities();

 Contact newContact = new Contact(); newContact.FirstName = FName.Text; newContact.LastName = LName.Text; newContact.Mobile = Mob.Text; newContact.Telephone = Tel.Text; newContact.Mail = Mail.Text; db.Contacts.Add(newContact); db.SaveChanges(); 

and my show contacts function is :

 IQueryable<Contact> items = from c in db.Contacts where c.LastName.Contains(s) || c.FirstName.Contains(s) select c; ContactsList.ItemsSource = items.ToList(); 

and all i want is to know which object has clicked by the user in listview so i can access to it's information. shoud i use the below function? and if i should what i have to write in it?

 private void ContactsList_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { } 

Hook the SelectionChanged event to run your function whenever they select a different item. That way your function will work regardless of the input device they use (keyboard arrows, etc).

Then in your function just read listView.SelectedIndices which contains a collection of all selected indices.

If you just want to respond to double-clicks and a single item, stay with MouseDoubleClick and get your item by: ListViewItem lvi = listView.SelectedItems[0];

  1. In WPF, databinding is treated in a totally different manner, as compared to Winforms.

  2. If you can follow this example , you should be able to accomplish what you need, but you need to modify your code.

  3. In your case, each item in the ListView is a Contact Object, so you need to bind the SelectedItem property of ListView to a property say (SelectedContact) in the class that implements INotifyPropertyChanged .

    private Contact _selectedContact;

    public Contact SelectedContact { get { return this._selectedContact; }

      set { if (value != this._selectedContact) { this._selectedContact= value; NotifyPropertyChanged(); } } } 
  4. Word of advice : If you are not using Data binding and Property Changed via INotifyPropertyChanged functionality then you are still living in the old world of WindowsForm world. I would request you to learn it and adapt in your code.

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