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htaccess redirect and rewrite not redirecting to a URL

I am new to htaccess redirect and rewrite. I have converted the following url



example.in/celebrity/1 by the follwing htaccess code

Options +FollowSymlinks -Multiviews
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^celeb_id=(.*)$
RewriteRule ^celeb_gallery\.php$ /celebrity/%1? [R=301]

for again getting the value of celeb_id i am adding the followig code in the htaccess file

RewriteRule ^celebrity/([^-]+)$ /celeb_gallery.php?celeb_id=$1  [L]

I uploaded the htaccess file. when the url example.in/celeb_gallery.php?celeb_id=1 is trigerred, it changes as example.in/celebrity/1 in the address bar.

But the webpage shows an error This Webpage has a direct loop in Chrome and in firefox it shows The page isn't redirecting properly . why its not working...?

The sample working sample.php file contains following code only : its working without any css.

echo "This is an sample page<br>";
echo "Celeb id:".$_REQUEST["celeb_id"]; 
echo "<br>";

the celeb_id is passing in celeb_gallery.php file, but it does not opening any style sheets i think. and the code is here:

<?php include('cpanel/common/dbconnect.php');?>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1" />
$ncel = "SELECT * FROM celebrity WHERE cel_id = ".$_REQUEST['celeb_id']."";
$ncel_e = mysql_query($ncel);
$ncel_f = mysql_fetch_array($ncel_e)
<title><?=$ncel_f['name']?> | Site Title</title>
<?php include('common/css_js.php'); ?>

The style Sheets are called in <?php include('common/css_js.php'); ?> <?php include('common/css_js.php'); ?> and its not working i think.

If you want to redirect calls to example.in/celeb_gallery.php?celeb_id=1 to example.in/celebrity/1 you just need :

Options +FollowSymlinks -Multiviews
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^celeb_id=([\d]+)$
RewriteRule ^celeb_gallery\.php$ /celebrity/%1 [L, R=301]

But if you want call to URL like example.in/celebrity/1 to be process like call to example.in/celeb_gallery.php?celeb_id=1

So you need :

Options +FollowSymlinks -Multiviews
RewriteEngine on

RewriteRule ^celebrity/([\d]+)$ /celeb_gallery.php?celeb_id=$1 [L]

The [L] flag will make the htaccess stop processing other rules if the rule is matched

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