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What's the Windows command shell equivalent of Bash's `true` command?

I have written a Vim plugin which shells out to run external commands. Two of the commands I run are diff and grep which can each exit with a non-zero exit code during "normal" operation.

( diff exits with exit code 1 when it finds differences and grep exits with exit code 1 when it doesn't find matches.)

For the purposes of my Vimscript I need to return an exit code of 0 from these commands. So far I'm constructing the commands like this:

diff a b || true


grep foo bar || true

This works for me on OS X and it apparently works for some Windows users. However, when I run Windows 7 on OS X via VirtualBox, using the Bash installed by the Git installer, I get the error message:

'true' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

What is the correct successful-no-op command to use on Windows?

true大致相当于(exit 0) (括号创建一个以状态0退出的子shell,而不是退出当前shell。


works for me.

For example,


issues an error message, but it sets %ERRORLEVEL% to 0.

The context is a Windows cmd shell (used by the git-cmd.bat script ):

Following " Exiting batch with EXIT /BX where X>=1 acts as if command completed successfully when using && or || operators between batch calls ", you could define in your path a true.bat file with:

@%COMSPEC% /C exit 1 >nul
cd .

also sets %ERRORLEVEL% to 0 but runs a bit faster and writes a bit shorter than ver>nul . Example:

mkdir . 2>nul || cd .

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