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Use JQuery Ajax to load static html page to a div tag

I got this working but I need a default page showing before you choose one, how do I do this? Also is it possible to hide the page files? So it will not show when you View Source.

    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
             //alert("Thanks for visiting!");

             //alert("Thanks for visiting!");

    <li><a id="page1" href="#">Latest Members</a></li>
    <li><a id="page2" href="#">female members</a></li>
<div id="result" style="clear:both;">

Default will load on load and then you can choose to see just latest members or female members.

      $('#result').load('latestmembers.php'); // default page
         //alert("Thanks for visiting!");

         //alert("Thanks for visiting!");

JavaScript is client side code, you cannot hide anything from source code.

Fitst Question : Default Page

         //alert("Thanks for visiting!");

         //alert("Thanks for visiting!");

    // Default page load 


Second Question: hide page name

Basically whatever you write on JavaScript is view able by user So you can opt any work around (Dont think its a good idea) You can call a single page like getPage.php with arguments and desire what content to return by different argument Example Below

        $('#result').load('getPage.php?pid=lm');  // by the pid(page ID) you can check that its for latestmembers.php
         //alert("Thanks for visiting!");

        $('#result').load('getPage.php?pid=fe');  // by the pid(page ID) you can check that its for Females.php
         //alert("Thanks for visiting!");

    // Default page load  with no argument


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