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Load content into div of external html page with JQuery

Does anyone know how to load content into a div of external HTML page with jQuery?

Using $('#divname').html("content") only seems to be able to access div elements of the HTML page where the script is in.

If I understand correctly you want to change the content of a DIV of an external page like for example an iframe?

If so, this can't be done with simple jQuery due to security reasons

You can use load() to load all content , or target specific content from remote page into an element in local page. load() is an AJAX method. Do a little research on AJAX


Or to only get part of the remote page

$('#myDiv').load('remotePageUrl #remotePageID')

API Reference: http://api.jquery.com/load/

Found it! This is what I needed:

access div in iframe parent

I thought I didn't matter that it was a child-parent relationship as long they were in the same domain, but apparently it does.

Thanks for the responses!

$.get("test.php", function(data){

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