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Shares files folder between two web servers

I am implementing a C# (.NET) application in which user can upload files and images due to huge size (more than 80 gb) we are storing these files on file system now I am preparing a another web server which need to access those files.

My question is How can I access files from IIS from another server, both servers are on same network sharing folder does not solve problem for me

I read about using virtual folder but I have concern will it put extra load on IIS for handling user requests ?

Thanks in advance

If it's on the same network, just access it via a network share. Using a virtual directory can be helpful, if for example you'd like to change the network location without having to change any code that references the location. The virtual directory itself won't put any extra strain on the IIS.

Local network speed will be your only bottleneck compared to files stored on the same machine as the IIS as far as I can tell, since you will be transferring the files first on your local network from one machine to the IIS machine, and then to the end user.

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