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Apache CAMEL exception

Getting current exception, not sure how to resolve it. Any ideas? Thanks a lot!

org.apache.camel.RuntimeCamelException: org.quartz.SchedulerException: Trigger's related Job's name cannot be null

    <camel:endpoint id="pollPipilineStarUpScheduler"
        uri="quartz://timedPipilineStarUp?stateful=true&amp;cron=0+0+0+1/1+*+?+2099;job.name=startup;" />

        <camel:from ref="pollPipilineStarUpScheduler" />
        <camel:bean ref="executionManager" method="startPipeline" />


Your definition worked for Camel 2.12.2 (which version do you use?), however

  • I changed your cron expression to 0/5+*+*+*+*+?+* , because I didn't want to wait so long for the first job execution... More information about Quartz's cron expression can be found here .
  • Options should not be separated by ; but by & . In XML & becomes &amp; . In your URI the &amp was lost and it should therefore be quartz://timedPipilineStarUp?stateful=true&amp;cron=0+0+0+1/1+*+?+2099&amp;job.name=startup; . However, I don't understand that your URI with ; worked for me...
  • Instead of setting the job.name option, you could have been using the following format quartz://groupName/timerName?cron=expression .

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