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Explanation for Timespan Differences Between C# and JavaScript

This is based on Computing milliseconds since 1970 in C# yields different date than JavaScript and C# version of Javascript Date.getTime() .

For all of these calculations, assume they are being done in Central Standard Time, so 6 hours behind UTC (this offset will come up again later).

I understand that JavaScript Date objects are based on the Unix Epoch (Midnight on Jan 1, 1970). So, if I do:

//remember that JS months are 0-indexed, so February == 1
var d = new Date(2014,1,28);

My output will be:


Which represents the number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. That's all well and good. In the linked questions, people were asking about translating this functionality into C# and the "naive" implementation usually looks something like this:

//the date of interest in UTC
DateTime e = new DateTime(2014, 2, 28, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
//the Unix Epoch
DateTime s = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
//the difference between the two
TimeSpan t = (e - s);
var x = t.TotalMilliseconds;

Which produces output:


That's a difference of 21,600,000 milliseconds, or 6 hours: the exact offset from UTC for the time zone in which these calculations were done.

To get the C# implementation to match the JavaScript, this is the implemenation:

DateTime st=new DateTime(1970,1,1);
DateTime e = new DateTime(2014,2,28);
//translate e to UTC, but leave st as is
TimeSpan t= (e.ToUniversalTime()-st);
var x = t.TotalMilliseconds;

Which will give me output matching the JavaScript output:


What I have yet to find is an explanation for why we leave the DateTime representing the Unix Epoch with a DateTimeKind of Unspecified to be able to match JavaScript. Shouldn't we get the correct result using DateTimeKind.Utc ? What detail am I not understanding? This is a purely academic question for me, I'm just curious about why this works this way.

As you correctly point out, .getTime() returns "the number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC."

Which means that .getTime is (as you noticed) including the offset from UTC in the calculation.

In order to make the C# code reflect this, the time you're subtracting from must include time zone information, while 1 January 1970 00:00:00 must be a UTC time.

This might be easier to understand with a few examples. Given:

DateTime e = new DateTime(2014, 2, 28, 0, 0, 0);
DateTime s = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
  1. e - s is incorrect because s is not a UTC time.
  2. e.ToUniversalTime() - s.ToUniversalTime() is incorrect because e no longer includes the offset from UTC (like the calculation in JavaScript does)
  3. e.ToUniversalTime() - s is correct because we're using the UTC time and the time we're subtracting includes the offset from UTC.

This was easier for me to see when I dealt with DateTime.Ticks directly:

e.Ticks // 635291424000000000
s.Ticks // 621355968000000000

e.Ticks - s.Ticks // 13935456000000000 ("naive" implementation)
e.ToUniversalTime().Ticks - s.Ticks // 13935636000000000 (correct output)

Again, the last example meets all of our requirements. The Unix epoch is in UTC, while the time we're dealing with still has its original offset.

I understand that JavaScript Date objects are based on the Unix Epoch (Midnight on Jan 1, 1970).

Yes, they are. Internally, it's just a number of milliseconds from the epoch. But when you call the date constructor, or look at the output from .toString() , it is using the local time of where the code is running.

If you want the input to be specified in UTC, then you have to use a different incantation:

var ts = Date.UTC(2014,1,28);  // returns a numeric timestamp, not a Date object

var dt = new Date(ts);         // if you want a date object

var s = dt.toUTCString();      // if you want the output to be in UTC

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