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printing in new lines python

i've made this little thing and i need the output to be, for example, like this:


But i get the output this way:


Could you help me? Here's the program.

import math 
def MakingGraphic(number):
    list = [number]
    graphic = number * '*'

list = 0
howmany = int(input("How many numbers will you write?"))
for i in range(0, howmany, 1):
    number = int(input("Write a number "))
    list = list + number
result = MakingGraphic(list)

add a "\\n" to return to next line. eg result = MakingGraphic(list) + "\\n"

Why do you use a list by the way ?

import math 
def MakingGraphic(number):
    return number * '*'

result = ''
howmany = int(input("How many numbers will you write?"))
for i in range(0, howmany, 1):
    number = int(input("Write a number "))
    result += MakeingGraphic(number) + "\n"
print result

You don't need that MakingGraphic , just use a list to store the strings of "*":

In [14]: howmany = int(input("How many numbers will you write?"))
    ...: lines=[]
    ...: for i in range(howmany):
    ...:     number = int(input("Write a number "))
    ...:     lines.append('*'*number)
    ...: print('\n'.join(lines))

The issue of your code is, variable "list" is an integer, not a list ( don't use "list" as a variable name, because it shadows the python builtin type/function list , use some name like lst instead).

If you want to try function call, you can change your code to:

import math 
def MakingGraphic(lst):
    graphic = '\n'.join(number * '*' for number in lst)
    return graphic

lst = []
howmany = int(input("How many numbers will you write?"))
for i in range(0, howmany, 1):
    number = int(input("Write a number "))

result = MakingGraphic(lst)

You could probably print the stars from the function itself instead of returning it. print will add a new line automatically. Hope that helps!

I made some changes in the code, but your problem was that you were sending a int not a list with ints:

import math 
def MakingGraphic(number):
  graphic = ''
  for n in list:# loop to the list
    graphic += n * '*' + '\n' # the \n adds a line feed

list = [] # list
howmany = int(input("How many numbers will you write?"))
for i in range(0, howmany, 1):
   number = int(input("Write a number "))
   list.append(number) # add the number to the list
result = MakingGraphic(list)
print (result)

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