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PHP - Create a multidimensional array

Is there any way to create this array from some existed arrays in PHP

[in-door] => Array
        [tv] => Array
                [views] => 123
                [likes] => 234
                [comments] => 345
                [shares] => 456

        [sofa] => Array
                [views] => 567
                [likes] => 789
                [comments] => 890
                [shares] => 901
[out-door] => Array
        [chair] => Array
                    [views] => 109
                    [likes] => 98
                    [comments] => 987
                    [shares] => 876

        [bench] => Array
                [views] => 765
                [likes] => 654
                [comments] => 543
                [shares] => 432



What I have tried

$list_categories = array("in-door");
$list_items = array(array("tv", "sofa"));
$list_items_info = array(array(array(
         "views" => 123,
         "likes" => 234,
         "comments" => 345,
         "shares" => 456
         "views" => 123,
         "likes" => 234,
         "comments" => 345,
         "shares" => 456
        print_r(array_combine($list_categories, array_combine($list_items, $list_items_info)));

didnot bring me my expectation.

Beside that, what is the most effective way to get views/likes of an item. Should I use array or json object?

$list_categories = array("in-door");
$list_items = array("tv", "sofa");
$list_items_info = array(
    "views" => 123,
    "likes" => 234,
    "comments" => 345,
    "shares" => 456

$array = array();

foreach ($list_categories as $cat) {
    foreach ($list_items as $item) {
        foreach ($list_items_info as $itemname => $iteminfo) {
            $array[$cat][$item][$itemname] = $iteminfo;


    [in-door] => Array
            [tv] => Array
                    [views] => 123
                    [likes] => 234
                    [comments] => 345
                    [shares] => 456

            [sofa] => Array
                    [views] => 123
                    [likes] => 234
                    [comments] => 345
                    [shares] => 456



Online demo

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