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How to read files inside Directory and store in memory in node.js

I have a Directory structure as following:

Folder Structure 



here Config,10001,20001 are folders. i want a logic to be implemented as, if i give Config as a Root folder, then my code should scan and generate output as following:

Config.Config.properties : {
here it should have the config.propertis values

Config.App.json : {
    here it should have the config.propertis values

Config.10001.10001.properties : {
here it should have the 10001.propertis values

Config.10001.20001.20001.properties : {
here it should have the 20001.propertis values

Using this package it'll look like that:

require('require_tree').require_tree('./Config', {preserve_filenames: true})

PS: please don't write your config files in json :)

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