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Horizontal alignment of datagrid row header content

I got a simple question for all you friendly XAML experts. I have a datagrid with some row headers, which default horizontal alignment is center. All i want is to change this alignment to left. I have tried with the following code, but that dosent seem to work. Is it because the content consists of a textblock? If so, how do i get to change its alignment? I have tried changing the background of the header and it seems to work just fine.


<Style x:Key="DataGridRowHeaderStyle" TargetType="sdk:DataGridRowHeader">        
   <Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Left"/>


<sdk:DataGrid x:Name="CheeseWeightsColumnStatsDataGrid"                           
              ItemsSource="{Binding CheeseWeightColumnStats}" IsReadOnly="True"              
              RowHeaderStyle="{StaticResource DataGridRowHeaderStyle}">

I would create a template for the row header and bind it to a property of the class that is displayed in the row:

      <TextBlock Text="{Binding HeaderText}" HorizontalAlignment="Left"/>

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