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Powershell - getting the scriptname of calling script in dot-sourced function

is there any way to get the scriptname of the calling script into a dot-sourced ps1 script? This would be awsome for logging.

eg: script test1.ps1 is calling a function from dot-sourced log.ps1.

The String "test.ps1" is needed in log.ps1. Is this possible? Thanks in advance

If you are dot sourcing log.ps1 then the execution is still occurring within Test.ps1 .

To get the name of the executing script use:

$ExecutingScript = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
# Test.ps1

You can then use $ExecutingScript in whatever logging functions provided by the dot sourced script.

If you need the entire path to the executing script, you would use:

# C:\Whereever\Test.ps1

你可以试试 :

$a = Split-Path $PSCommandPath -Leaf

I was trying to solve similar or maybe same problem - how to generate log file name based on script name. Solution from @SomeShinyObject is nice but when you have your logging script sourced from file, that is sourced from another file, then you have problem. I have arrived at following solution. In case anyone is interested.

$scriptFileName = Get-Item (Get-PSCallStack)[(Get-PSCallStack).length-1].ScriptName
$log = "$($scriptFileName.DirectoryName)\log\$($scriptFileName.Basename).log"

It basically gets highest frame from the call stack by first getting stack depth using (Get-PSCallStack).length then it uses this value in obtaining the frame itself and gets ScriptName from there, which is uppermost script in calling hierarchy.

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