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Android: Actionbarsherlock has not been added as a library

To Make Tab Actionbar , I have added the actionbarsherlock.jar . ( I have Downloaded it from here )

Unfortunately With (Right click -> Prpperties -> Java Build Path ), it does not placed in Android Dependency but in the Android Private Libreray .

Now the problem is in:

public class TabNavigationCollapsed extends TabNavigation

the Eclipse does not know the TabNavigation class

What should I do to resolve this issue?

You need to import the whole ABS project into your Eclipse, then in your Project you would add the ABS project as a library under the Android category of your project's preferences.


You have to add it as existing Android-Project into your Workspace. (NOT as .jar-file) existing Android-Project into your Workspace. (NOT as .jar-file) after you added it. you should right-Click on your project -> "Properties "-> "Android" -> click onto "Add..." -> choose the Folder of ActionBarSherlock

After you did this. Right click on actionbarsherlock project -> Properties -> Android -> check the Box "Is Library" -> Apply and Close. (Should be working now)

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