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d3.js bar chart animations

I'm working on this bar chart application.


How do I

a) animate the bars so they grow from the bottom b) morph the axis accordingly to the new data set

animateBars: function(data){

                        var svg = d3.select(methods.el["selector"] + " .barchart");
                        var barrects = d3.select(methods.el["selector"] + " .barrects");

                        var initialHeight = 0;      

                        var bar = barrects.selectAll("rect")

                        // Enter
                            .attr("class", "bar")
                            .attr("y", initialHeight);

                        // Update
                            .attr("height", initialHeight)
                            .attr("x", function(d) { return methods.x(d.letter); })
                            .attr("width", methods.x.rangeBand())
                            .attr("y", function(d) { return methods.y(d.frequency); })
                            .attr("height", function(d) { return methods.height - methods.y(d.frequency); })

                        // Exit
                            .attr("y", initialHeight)
                            .attr("height", initialHeight)


For the former, set the y attribute to be the max height instead of 0:

.attr("y", methods.height)

For the latter, recompute the x domain and call the axis component again:

methods.x.domain(data.map(function(d) { return d.letter; }));

Complete example here .

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