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Gradle: how to exclude some tests?

My src/test/ folder includes both unit and functional tests. The classpath of functional tests has the word cucumber , whereas the unit tests do not. So, how can I run the unit tests only?

Thank you very much.

PS : I know it is easy to use the "include" logic to select tests. For example, to only run the functional tests in my case, I can simply use this
./gradlew test -Dtest.single=cucumber/**/
However, I don't know how to exclude tests in a simple way.

BTW, I am using gradle 1.11.

Credit : This answer is inspired by JB Nizet's answer. It is posted because it is more direct to my question.

To run the unit tests only, create a new task like this:

task unitTest( type: Test ) {
    exclude '**/cucumber/**'

This way we have:
run all tests: ./gradlew test
run all unit tests: ./gradlew unitTest
run all functional tests: ./gradlew test -Dtest.single=cucumber/**/

The documentation of the task explains it, with an example and everything:

apply plugin: 'java' // adds 'test' task

test {
  // ...

  // explicitly include or exclude tests
  include 'org/foo/**'
  exclude 'org/boo/**'

  // ...

You can exclude this based on the external system properties.


and in build.gradle

test {
    if (System.properties['test.profile'] != 'integration') {
    exclude '**/*integrationTests*'

You can also define a custom flag in your build.gradle :

test {
    if (project.hasProperty('excludeTests')) {
        exclude project.property('excludeTests')

Then in the command-line:

gradle test -PexcludeTests=com.test.TestToExclude

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