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Why is my form still requesting with POST even though has hidden input DELETE?

I'm building my first Node.js app and I'm trying to make a request to delete a model. Below is the show.ejs where I'm attempting to place a button for sending the delete request & the corresponding controller method to delete the model. I'm getting an error that the request is still being sent as a post request and I'm not sure why. Any ideas why?


  <h1><%= movie.title %></h1>
  <img id="poster" src="<%= movie.poster %>">

  <p>Release Date: <%= movie.releaseDate %></p>
  <p>Critics Score: <%= movie.criticsScore %></p>
  <p>Audience Score: <%= movie.audienceScore %></p>

  <p><a href="/movies">Back</a></p>

  <form action="/movies/<%= movie._id %>" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="delete">
    <input data-confirm='Are you sure?' value="Delete Movie" type="submit">


app.delete('/movies/:id', function (req, res) {
  Movie.findById(req.params.id, function (err, movie) {
    Movie.remove({ title: movie.title })


I added app.use(express.methodOverride()); to my config.js and the issue is resolved.

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