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Catel/Ninject: Ninject.ActivationException when resolving IUIVisualizerService

when i was trying to resolve the IUIVisualizerService a Ninject.ActivationException came up in Ninject.dll.

Can someone help me pls?

This code section calls the problem:

NinjectDependencyResolver resolver = new NinjectDependencyResolver();
            var item = resolver.GetService<IUIVisualizerService>();

Code for Resolver:

using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using Catel.Services;
    using Ninject;
    using NLog;

    namespace MS_Modell.Infrastructure
        internal class NinjectDependencyResolver
            private IKernel kernel;
            private Logger log = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

            public NinjectDependencyResolver()
                    kernel = new StandardKernel();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    log.Fatal("NinjectDependencyResolver(): " + ex);

            public T GetService<T>()
                    return kernel.TryGet<T>();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    log.Fatal("GetService<T>(): " + ex.Message);

Edit: I got a null object after GetService is called. But the exception wasnt raised. Only a message on the console output of Visual Studio can be seen:

An expcetion (first chance) of type "Ninject.ActivationException" was thrown in Ninject.dll.

Edit 2:

Thx guys for the fast answers. Here is the concrete solution for someone, who runs into the same problem:

In NinjectResolver you need to add this code:

    kernel.Bind<IUIVisualizerService>().To<UIVisualizerService>().WithConstructorArgument("ViewLocator", GetService<IViewLocator>());

Resolving the IUIVisualizerService:

TargetSelectorViewModel selector = new TargetSelectorViewModel();
                var item = resolver.GetService<IUIVisualizerService>();
                item.Register(typeof(TargetSelectorViewModel), typeof(TargetSelector));

The UIVisualizerService requires dependency injection of the IViewLocator. Make sure that Ninject can resolve that as well.


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