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VQMod does not appear to be properly generating vqcache files

I can not use vqmod. When ı click vqmod in admin panel it says

VQMod does not appear to be properly generating vqcache file

I use also auto related products xml. caused by this thing? I don't know.

Also some product pages says that

Notice: Undefined index: product_info in /home/elmaicom/domains/elmacimarketi.com/public_html/vqmod/vqcache/vq2-catalog_controller_product_product.php on line 416

It belongs to:

> //related by manufacturer
>                      if(count($results)<3 && (int)$this->data['product_info']['manufacturer_id'] > 0){//change to
> suit number of products to display 
>                      $temp = $this->model_catalog_product->getProductRelatedByManufacturer($this->data['product_info']['manufacturer_id'],$this->request->get['product_id'],count($results));
> foreach($temp as $t){
>                        if(!empty($t)){                    
>                           $results[] = $t;               
>                            }          
>                       }        
>                   }

Help please. I have to use vqmod.

Check the following:

  1. Check whether vqmod is installed by calling https://domain.com/vqmod/install in browser. If not installed, then please scroll up and read the steps.
  2. Verify file name and path, also confirm that the code in search tag exists in the file mentioned.
  3. Check folder permissions. Make sure that vqmod/vqcache and vqmod/logs have 755 or 777 permission. If nothing works, then try 777 permission recursively for vqmod folder.
  4. Check the error logs in vqmod/logs.
  5. Check the installed vqmod version and the vqmod version given in xml file ( <vqmver><![CDATA[version]]></vqmver> ), both need to be the same.
  6. Delete the files in vqmod/vqcache and check again. Also see whether vqmod copy of your file is generated or not.
  7. Move any vqmod xml file outside the vqmod folder and check. If everything works, move the xml back to the vqmod folder. I don't know the reason, but it worked for me in some cases :) !
  8. <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″? – put this line at the top of the XML to make it valid and more compatible.
  9. Try the VQMod Manager extension. It may help you!

Reference link: Opencart Vqmod tutorial


Move any vqmod xml file outside the vqmod folder and check. If everything works, move the xml back to the vqmod folder. I don't know the reason, but it worked for me in some cases :) !

Also worked for me

for that undefined index product_info error

In the vqmod (xml file in vqmod/xml directory) of your related product extension replace



  1. Removing vqmod/mods.cache file.
  2. set vqmod/vqcache permission to 777

vQmod doesn't have an admin interface, so it's probably a tool like vQmoderator or vQmod manager you are referring to. In regards to the cache files not generating correctly, this is almost certainly down to file permissions. Make sure your permissions set on /vqmod/vqcache/ are set to the same as your /system/cache/ folder

Never too late: try removing mods.cache file.
www-data will regenerate it for you again.
Refresh vQmod Manager on admin panel.
** make sure you set admin user group premissions

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