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Angular $http not resolving in $routeProvider

I am trying to display data from a JSON file onto the webpage. My Code

//Config routes
        templateUrl: 'list.tpl.html',
        controller: 'BioACtrl',
        resolve: {
            bioAList: ['$http',function($http){
                return $http.get('bioa.json');
//Controller to Manage the data
    $scope.samples = bioAList.data.samples;

The $http doesnt seem to resolve. here is the console output: 控制台输出 I am AngularJS noob any help is appreciated :) I am stuck. Why is the resolved object a ChildScope rather than being a promise ?

first of all, your includes are reversed here


Should be

controller('BioACtrl',['$scope', 'bioAList',function($scope,bioAList){

Second, you are trying to access data in your bioAList service before you even fetch it. The correct way to do this is with angular promises. I modified the plnkr to acheive this access paradigm:

bioAList.getSamples().then(function(data) {
    $scope.samples = data.samples;

EDIT: add the thing that @OdeToCode points out.

Good point! you can just return the $http promise as the service.

return $http.get('bioa.json').success(function(data,status){
    return data;

And access it like you originally had.

Hope this helps!

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