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C# bitmap.save loses some pixels

I writing a code to color my bitmap image pixels for

int[,] unClusteredImage = new int[367,158];
Bitmap clusteredImage = new Bitmap(367, 158);
for (int row = 0; row < unClusteredImage.GetLength(0); row++)
                        for (int col = 0; col < unClusteredImage.GetLength(1); col++)
                            if (unClusteredImage[row, col] == 0)
                                clusteredImage.SetPixel(row, col, Color.Red);
                            else if (unClusteredImage[row, col] == 1)
                                clusteredImage.SetPixel(row, col, Color.Blue);
                            else if (unClusteredImage[row, col] == 2)
                                clusteredImage.SetPixel(row, col, Color.Green);
                            else if (unClusteredImage[row, col] == 3)
                                clusteredImage.SetPixel(row, col, Color.Yellow);
                            else if (unClusteredImage[row, col] == 4)
                                clusteredImage.SetPixel(row, col, Color.Black);
                            else if (unClusteredImage[row, col] == 5)
                                clusteredImage.SetPixel(row, col, Color.Orange);
                            else if (unClusteredImage[row, col] == 6)
                                clusteredImage.SetPixel(row, col, Color.Lime);
                            else if (unClusteredImage[row, col] == 7)
                                clusteredImage.SetPixel(row, col, Color.Purple);

The problem is that when i save the bitmap using the bitmap.save method I lose some pixels when I open it in paint I noticed that some pixels are not there in the bottom of my image

You are saving the image as JPEG.

JPG format is a lossy compressed file format. This makes it useful for storing photographs at a smaller size than a BMP.

PNG format is a lossless compression file format, which makes it a common choice for use in applications.

I suggest you try to save it in PNG Format, and check the result. And if you don't care about the size you can always save it as Bitmap.

clusteredImage.save("test.png", ImageFormat.Png);

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