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Laravel Eloquent ORM whereHas and where in foreach

I am trying to make the following work, it might be bad practice, I am pretty new to Laravel, so please let me know !

I have a model named Files , those are linked to the Keywords through a pivot table.

I am running the following code, but I get Undefined variable: keyword_id as error.

$keyword_ids = array(148, 4);
$files    = new Files;

foreach($keyword_ids as $keyword_id)
    $files = $files->whereHas('keywords', function($query)
        $query->where('id', '=', $keyword_id);

Thanks a lot !

You need to use the use keyword to have your variables accessible inside the closure.

foreach($keyword_ids as $keyword_id)
    $files = $files->whereHas('keywords', function($query) use ($keyword_id)
        $query->where('id', '=', $keyword_id);

You can go without foreach and use whereIn to check if id matches any of $keyword_ids values.

$files = $files->whereHas('keywords', function($query) use ($keyword_ids)
        $query->whereIn('id', $keyword_ids);

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