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Haskell using foldr

Hi I am new to Haskell and I am a little lost. I have been given this to do but can't work it out.

Using only foldr , the Boolean operation (||) and False , define a function

or_list :: [Bool] -> Bool

so that

or_list [b1, b2,...,bn] = b1 || b2 ||...|| bn

Note that

or_list [] = False

I come up with something like this

or_list :: [Bool] -> Bool
or_list [0..n] = foldr False (||) [0..n] 

But don't really get how foldr works. If anyone could point me down the right road it would be a big help.

You've almost got the definition right, but your syntax is a bit off. You can't have a pattern match like

or_list [0..n] = ...

this just isn't valid syntax. In fact, you don't need to pattern match at all, you could just do

or_list bs = foldr False (||) bs

The next problem can be revealed by looking at foldr 's type:

foldr :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> Bool -> [Bool] -> Bool
-- Simplified from its more general type

Notice that its first argument is a function that takes two boolean values, and the second argument is simply a boolean. You have

foldr False (||) bs

But False isn't a function and (||) isn't a boolean. If you swap them you'd get

foldr (||) False bs

And then your definition would be correct!

How does this work? Folds are a generalization of a simple recursion, it's quite often that you have a function that you're applying to an argument that also depends on the last value computed. These sorts of recursions are useful for turning a list of values into a single value. The definition of foldr is pretty simple and I think it helps explain how the fold works

foldr f initial [] = initial
foldr f initial (x:xs) = f x (foldr f initial xs)

So if we were to plug in some values and expand it

  foldr (||) False [False, False, True]
= False || (foldr (||) False [False, True])
= False || (False || (foldr (||) False [True]))
= False || (False || (True || (foldr (||) False [])))
= False || (False || (True || (False)))
= False || (False || True)
= False || True
= True

Another way to look at it is that it replaces : by f and [] by initial in a list, so if you have

False : False : True : []

And you apply foldr (||) False to it, you would replace every : by || and the [] with False , associating right (the r part of foldr ), so

False || (False || (True || (False)))

Which is the same as the expansion we got above. A foldl works in the opposite association, so foldl (||) False looks like

(((False) || False) || False) || True
-- ^ initial

So the difference is basically what end the initial value gets stuck on and where the parenthesis are.

The foldr function from the Prelude is a higher order function that takes a function f of type (a -> b -> b) and applies it to a list of type [a] resulting in a list of type [b] . It also takes a initial element z that is applied to the first application of f

Symbolically the reduction like this in pseudocode:

foldr f z [a,b,c,...,n] == f a (f b (f c (... (f n z)...)))

So for your function you need something like this:

foldr (||) False [a,b,c,...,n] = a || (b || (c ... (n || False)))

Hope that helps with intuition for foldr.

You have the definition of:

or_list :: [Bool] -> Bool


Lets look at the second line:

or_list [0..n] = foldr False (||) [0..n]

So actually this is pretty close to what is needed, but there are a couple problems. First of let's look at the:

or_list [0..n] = ...

This should instead be probably something like:

or_list (x:xs) = ...

Refer to this as to why. Next, I will give you some hints. Pay close attention to the signature of foldr , You're not quite giving the correct order of parameters. Also, you need to handle the case of an empty list [] which is actually mentioned in the link I gave you.

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