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How to Convert C# Linq to VB.NET

can someone help me convert this C# Linq-u to a VB.NET code

var groupedItems = from item in LinqueResult
                    orderby item.Category
                    group item by 
                        into groupPropertie 
                    select new KeyedList<string, ItemToDisplay>(groupPropertie);



ken2K i know but i dont get a working code with the online converters

I got it on my own to this point

Public Function GroupedPhotos(LinqueResult As List(Of ItemToDisplay), GroupMember As [String]) As List(Of KeyedList(Of String, ItemToDisplay))

    Dim groupedItems = From groupPropertie In From item In LinqueResult
                                              Order By item.Category
                                              Group item By item.GetType.GetProperty(GroupMember).GetValue(item).ToString() Into Group
                                              Select New KeyedList(Of String, ItemToDisplay)(groupPropertie)

    Return New List(Of KeyedList(Of String, ItemToDisplay))(groupedItems)
End Function

And i get this error:

Error 1: Range variable name cannot match the name of a member of the 'Object' class. C:\\xxx\\MainPage.xaml.vb 53 118 LongListSelectorFreeLancVBasic

Online converters suck. The correct translation is:

Dim groupedItems = from item in LinqueResult
                   order by item.Category
                   let test = item.GetType().GetProperty("Test").GetValue(item).ToString() 
                   group item by test into groupPropertie = Group
                   select new KeyedList(Of string, ItemToDisplay)(groupPropertie)

Note that you have to use a let clause to bind the result of the item.GetType()...ToString() to another name. Otherwise, VB.Net tries to create a local variable named ToString and then complains about ToString can't be used because there's a member on Object with this name.

Using a let on this long line makes it easier to read IMHO.

The group syntax is also different: to use a named group, you'll have to use your_group_name = Group . But since you actually don't do anything with groupProertie , you could as well just use

group item by test into Group
select new KeyedList(Of string, ItemToDisplay)(Group)


Dim groupedItems = From groupPropertie In From item In LinqueResultOrder By item.CategoryGroup item By item.[GetType]().GetProperty("Test").GetValue(item).ToString()New KeyedList(Of String, ItemToDisplay)(groupPropertie)

将编译后的版本粘贴到任何反编译器( DotNetPeekJustDecompile或反射器)中,然后让它向您显示VB中的代码

The link stuff is pretty much the same, except for vb.net typically uppercases the keywords:

Dim groupedItems = From item In LinqueResult
                    OrderBy item.Category
                    Group item By item.GetType()
                    Into groupPropertie 
                    Select New KeyedList(Of String, ItemToDisplay)(groupPropertie)

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