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How to display datagrid in WPF?

I'm reading a word document using interop line by line. Now I want the lines to be displayed on a data grid which is in XAML code.

DataTable dt = new DataTable();

for (int i = 0; i < doc.Sentences.Count; i++)
    //string temp = doc.Paragraphs[i + 1].Range.Text.Trim();
    string temp = doc.Sentences[i + 1].Text;
    if (temp != string.Empty)
        dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { data });

Create a property in your data context returning your DataTable (assuming your datacontext implements INotifyPropertyChanged):

    private DataTable _aTable;
    public DataTable aTable
            return _aTable;
            _aTable= value;

Then in your xaml for the datagrid bind ItemSource to your dataTable property:

    <DataGrid  AutoGenerateColumns="true" ItemsSource="{Binding aTable}" >

Declare dataGrid in XAML:

<DataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"/>

and once your DataTable is filled you can set its DataView as ItemsSource of DataGrid:

dataGrid.ItemsSource = dt.AsDataView();


Declare property in proper ViewModel of type DataTable and bind to it.

You can just bind the Datatable to the Grid's ItemsSource and set AutoGeneratColumns as "true".


<DataGrid  AutoGenerateColumns="true" ItemsSource="{Binding dt}">


private DataTable _dt;
public DataTable dt
        return _dt;
        _dt= value;

Void Load()

  for (int i = 0; i < doc.Sentences.Count; i++)
    string temp = doc.Sentences[i + 1].Text;
    if (temp != string.Empty)
      dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { data });

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