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Parsing XML with ElementTree in Python

I have XML like this:

 <m_date>2008-11-29 13:15:14</m_date>

I want to parse the XML and extract the <value> entry which is just below the <name> entry marked 'swisspro'. Ie I want to parse and extract the 'Q8H6N2' value.

How would I do this using ElementTree?

It would by much easier to do via lxml , but here' a solution using ElementTree library:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

data = """<parameters>
 <m_date>2008-11-29 13:15:14</m_date>

tree = ET.fromstring(data)

for parameter in tree.iter(tag='parameter'):
    name = parameter.find('name')
    if name is not None and name.text == 'swisspro':
        print parameter.find('value').text



The idea is pretty simple: iterate over all parameter tags, check the value of the name tag and if it is equal to swisspro , get the value element.

Hope that helps.

Here is an example: xml file

<span style="font-size:13px;"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <person age="18">
 <person age="19" des="hello">

parse method

from xml.etree import ElementTree
def print_node(node):
    '''print basic info'''
    print "=============================================="
    print "node.attrib:%s" % node.attrib
    if node.attrib.has_key("age") > 0 :
        print "node.attrib['age']:%s" % node.attrib['age']
    print "node.tag:%s" % node.tag
    print "node.text:%s" % node.text
def read_xml(text):
    '''read xml file'''
    # root = ElementTree.parse(r"D:/test.xml")  #first method
    root = ElementTree.fromstring(text)  #second method

    # get element
    # 1 by getiterator 
    lst_node = root.getiterator("person")
    for node in lst_node:

    # 2 by getchildren
    lst_node_child = lst_node[0].getchildren()[0]

    # 3 by .find
    node_find = root.find('person')

    #4. by findall
    node_findall = root.findall("person/name")[1]

if __name__ == '__main__':

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