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Either, Try, and Validation in Scala

I am confused with Either , Try , and Validation of scalaz . None of them seems to do what I need. What I need is a simple monad Result[E, R] where E is an error type and R is an result type.

  • Either is not suitable because it is not a monad (but the projections are) and unbiased .
  • Try is not suitable since its error type is Throwable and it is not exactly a monad
  • Validation is not a monad at all.

What would you suggest ? Should I write this Result type by myself ?

If you're willing to use Scalaz (and it sounds like you are), \\/ (usually pronounced "disjunction") is exactly what you're looking for—a monadic, right-biased version of Either .

It also includes lots of other nice stuff you don't get with the right projection of Either in the standard library ( 1.right syntax, combinators like +++ , converters from Validation , etc.).

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