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A python script that outputs windows batch file.

I am working on a python script that will walk through a large collection of .py files and write out individual .bat files that can be called upon to run these scripts.

I understand typical python output

directory = 'c:/'
OPATH = open(str(directory) + 'output_file.txt', 'w')

However if I try to do output_file.bat I receive an error, and it won't let me write out to it.

What I would like written in the batch files. Creating a BAT file for python script

Is there any documentation on how to write out other kinds of files with python? I would also be interested in having a python script generate .c files as well.

Try this, using os.path.join() . Your error was merely trivial, don't worry.

import os

directory = 'C:/'
with open(os.path.join(directory, 'output_file.bat'), 'w') as OPATH:
    OPATH.writelines(['@echo off', 
                      'c:\python27\python.exe c:\somescript.py %*', 

This provides a cross-platform solution to your problem. Although your error was due to a missing / , you should not hardcode this. This is the best way to join two paths and thus solve your problem.

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