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Does Grails's failOnError force a flush?

In Grails if I do:

domainObj.save(failOnError: true)

will that implicitly flush Hibernate's buffer as well, as if "flush:true" were added to the args? If you can please provide a credible source for your answer, thanks.

According to the code in AbstractSavePersistentMethod the validate occurs before the save/flush, so if it fails and failOnError is true, the ValidationException will be thrown and no flush will occur .

if (errors.hasErrors()) {
  boolean shouldFail = shouldFail(application, domainClass);
  if (argsMap != null && argsMap.containsKey(ARGUMENT_FAIL_ON_ERROR)) {
    shouldFail = GrailsClassUtils.getBooleanFromMap(ARGUMENT_FAIL_ON_ERROR, argsMap);
  if (shouldFail) {
    throw new ValidationException("Validation Error(s) occurred during save()", errors);
  return null;
return performSave(target, shouldFlush); //here flush can happen

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