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How can i convert a 22bpp gif image to a 32bpp gif image in C#?

I am using picturebox control in WPF to show a Gif image. Since i am using AllowTransperency="True", picturebox control is not getting displayed. As per this stackoverflow article i have to convert my 22bpp image to 32bppimage. How can i do that? Kindly advice.

<Window Loaded="Window_Loaded" VeritcalAlignment="Center" AllowTransperency="True" Background="Transparent">

<border Background="Transpernt" BorderThickness="0">

<wfi:WindowsFormsHost Grid.Row="4" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">

<winForms:PictureBox x:Name="myImage"></winForms:PictureBox>                  </wfi:WindowsFormsHost>

Code Behind

myImage.Image = @"C:\MyImage.Gif";

Please help. Thanks a lot for your help and time in advance.

Take a look at GifBitmapEncoder . One solution would be iterate over each frame and convert each bitmap.

Also, take a look at NGif , an open source library. It may suit you needs more.

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