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Add checkbox to each ItemTemplate value

I am binding a List with a size of 5 to a DataList with this code:

     <%# Eval("Id") %>
     <%# Eval("FirstName") %>
     <%# Eval("LastName") %>
     <%# Eval("City") %>

I would like to add dynamically via code behind a checkbox next to every 5 list items and next to every itemtemplate eval property (Id, FirstName, LastName, City).

I would like to have an output like this (on the ASPX page):

(X)1 (X)Mike (X)A (X)New York

(X)2 (X)John (X)B (X)New York

(X)3 (X)Kevin (X)C (X)New York

(X)4 (X)Oswald (X)D (X)New York

(X)5 (X)Rene (X)E (X)New York

(X) = checkbox

Those checkboxes should have an own unique id.

Can you guys give me some tips on how to do this or redirect me to good sources? I couldn't find anything via Google.

My output at the moment is:

1 Mike A New York

2 John B New York

3 Kevin C New York

4 Oswald D New York

5 Rene E New York


Use: <ItemTemplate>
<asp:CheckBox ID="iDCheckbox" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Id") %>'/>                                 

set Display="inline" if it defaults to blockset Display="inline" if it defaults to block

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