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Passing multiple parameters in ajax call

I am having having problem with sending the an object and two parameter in an ajax call.

My Server side method:

public ActionResult AddUpdate(string model, bool IsEdit, string Type)
//Do something

Client side ajax call is: I am fetching all form values provided by user and saving them into "MemberObj" and sending another 2 parameters ie IsEdit and Type. but at server side i am getting only the IsEdit and Type values model parameter is null. The date value in ajax call after stringify is like:

"{"model":{"id":"123","Name":"Jhon Doe","Relation":"Father","Dob":"15-3-2014","Address":"abc":" abc","City":"abc","MobileNumber":"1234567890"},"IsEdit":false,"Type":"FamilyMember"}"

var MemberObj={};
var requestJSONData={ "model": MemberObj, "IsEdit": IsEdit, "Type": str[0] }
        type: "POST",
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        dataType: "json",
        url: '/Employee/AddUpdate',
        data: JSON.stringify(requestJSONData)
        success: function (msg) {
        error: function (msg) {


Any help is most appericiate. Thanks

in one of my projects i used the following line and it works like a charm:

  data: "{'sid':'" + sid.toString() + "'}",

try adapting yours to this format, it should work.

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