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AngularJS: two way data binding not working in nested ng-repeat

I am new to AngularJS . I am using nested ng-repeat to generate multiple forms. And form data is json which is dynamic. So the problem is Data binding for TEXT , TEXTAREA and SELECT input is not working.

JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/gTc5v/10/


<div ng-controller="ctrl">
    <div ng-repeat="form in forms">

         <div ng-repeat="field in form.form_fields">

         <div ng-If="showElement(field,'RADIO')">
         <span ng-repeat="option in field.optionValues">
         <input ng-model="field.answer" type="radio" value="{{option}}" >{{option}}

         <div ng-If="showElement(field,'TEXT')">
         <input ng-model="field.answer" type="text" placeholder="{{field.caption}}" />

         <div ng-If="showElement(field,'PARAGRAPH_TEXT')">
         <textarea ng-model="field.answer" placeholder="{{field.caption}}"></textarea>

         <div ng-If="showElement(field,'LIST')">
         <select ng-model="field.answer">
            <option ng-repeat="option in field.optionValues">{{option}}</option>

         <div ng-If="showElement(field,'CHECKBOX')">
         <span ng-repeat="option in field.optionValues">
             <input ng-checked="field.answers.indexOf(option) != -1" ng-click="toggleCheck(field.answers,option)" type="checkbox">{{option}}
     <div ng-repeat="field in form.form_fields">
     {{field.caption}} : {{field.answer}}{{field.answers}}



angular.module('myApp', []).directive('ngIf', function () {
    return {
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
        if (scope.$eval(attrs.ngIf)) {
            // remove '<div ng-if...></div>'
        } else {
            element.replaceWith(' ');

function ctrl($scope) {

    $scope.fields = [{
        "caption": "Gender",
        "questionType": "RADIO",
        "optionValues": ["Male", "Female"],
        "fieldPriority": "INCLUDE"
     }, {
        "caption": "City",
        "questionType": "TEXT",
        "optionValues": "",
        "fieldPriority": "INCLUDE"
     }, {
        "caption": "Address",
        "questionType": "PARAGRAPH_TEXT",
        "optionValues": "",
        "fieldPriority": "INCLUDE"
     }, {
        "caption": "Nationality",
        "questionType": "LIST",
        "optionValues": ["Indian", "American"],
        "fieldPriority": "INCLUDE"
     }, {
        "caption": "Tea/Coffee",
        "questionType": "CHECKBOX",
        "optionValues": ["Tea", "Coffee"],
        "fieldPriority": "INCLUDE"

    angular.forEach($scope.fields, function(field) {
        if(field.questionType == 'CHECKBOX'){
           field.answers = [];
        } else{
           field.answer = "";

    $scope.forms = [{"name":"Form 1","form_fields" : angular.copy($scope.fields)},{"name":"Form 2","form_fields" : angular.copy($scope.fields)}];

    $scope.showElement = function (field, type) {
        return field.questionType == type;

    $scope.toggleCheck = function (answer, option) {
        if (answer.indexOf(option) === -1) {
        } else {
            answer.splice(answer.indexOf(option), 1);


Try to remove element.replaceWith below in your directive link function.


You don't need to call replaceWith() in directive because directive has wrapped the template content and it will be included once compiled.

Here is a workable jsfiddle demo

Do you really need your own ng-If directive? Your example works fine if you use the built-in ng-if .

Note that in either case you need to write it as a lower-case ng-if in your HTML.

Update : jsfiddle

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