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Jaxb specify Marshaller for Endpoint

I am using the Spring framework.

I have multiple mashallers and multiple endpoints. The Jaxb context for my marshallers are defined with xml-binding files (using the eclipselink-oxm-xml jaxbContextProperties) since I have multiple marshalling tasks. Using annotations was not a good solution because the same object requires a different marshalling/unmarshalling procedure depending on endpoint.

My configuration at the moment for a single JaxbMarshaller and Endpoint looks like so:

<sws:annotation-driven marshaller="marshallerA" unmarshaller="marshallerA"/>        

    <bean id="loggingInterceptor"

    <bean id="messageReceiver"
        <property name="endpointAdapters">
                <ref bean="defaultMethodEndpointAdapter" />

    <bean id="defaultMethodEndpointAdapter" 
        <property name="methodReturnValueHandlers">
                <ref bean="marshallingPayloadMethodProcessor"/>
        <property name="methodArgumentResolvers">
                <ref bean="marshallingPayloadMethodProcessor"/>

    <bean id="marshallingPayloadMethodProcessor"
        <constructor-arg ref="marshallerA" />
        <constructor-arg ref="marshallerA" />

    <bean class="org.springframework.ws.server.endpoint.mapping.PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping">
        <property name="order" value="1" />

    <sws:dynamic-wsdl id="myEndpointA"
        targetNamespace="http://company.com/schema/webServices" >

        <sws:xsd location="classpath:/path/to/schema/mySchemaA.xsd"/>


    <bean id="marshallerA" class="org.springframework.oxm.jaxb.Jaxb2Marshaller">
        <property name="contextPath" value="x.y.z:x.y.w"/>
            <property name="jaxbContextProperties">
                <entry key="eclipselink-oxm-xml">

Now say I have a second endpoint and a second marshaller, how can I force an Endpoint to use a specific marshaller?

Thanks for any help! :)

I ended up extending the DefaultMethodEndpointAdapter, creating SpecificEndpointAdapter. I only need to override one method, the implementation is as follows:

public class SpecificEndpointAdapter extends DefaultMethodEndpointAdapter {
    private List<Object> acceptedEndpoints;

    public void setAcceptedEndpoints(List<Object> acceptedEndpoints) {
        this.acceptedEndpoints = acceptedEndpoints;

        protected boolean supportsInternal(MethodEndpoint methodEndpoint) {
            return super.supportsInternal(methodEndpoint);
        return false;

In my context file, this allows me to restrict an endpoint adapter to a specific endpoint, thus having a specific marshaller:

<bean id="serviceAEndpointAdapter" class="my.package.SpecificEndpointAdapter">
    <property name="acceptedEndpoints">
            <ref bean="serviceAEndpoint"/>
    <property name="methodReturnValueHandlers">
            <ref bean="serviceA.marshallingPayloadMethodProcessor"/>
    <property name="methodArgumentResolvers">
            <ref bean="serviceA.marshallingPayloadMethodProcessor"/>

<bean id="serviceBEndpointAdapter" class="my.package.SpecificEndpointAdapter">
    <property name="acceptedEndpoints">
            <ref bean="serviceBEndpoint"/>
    <property name="methodReturnValueHandlers">
            <ref bean="serviceB.marshallingPayloadMethodProcessor"/>
    <property name="methodArgumentResolvers">
            <ref bean="serviceB.marshallingPayloadMethodProcessor"/>

In my MarhsallingPayloadProcessor I can now declare which marshaller to use. Note that I ended up using the bean id as the SpecificEndpointAdapter reference, so if you are using annotations, you will need to figure out the bean id of that endpoint.

I hope this helps anyone who was facing the same issue, let me know if the answer requires more clarification.

Just clarifying some points of the accepted answer, you can make the reference do the Endpoint just receiving as parameter the endpoint, like a normal bean:

public SpecificEndpointAdapter csvEndpointAdapter(MyEndpoint myEndpoint) {

    List<MethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolvers =
            new ArrayList<>();

    List<MethodReturnValueHandler> returnValueHandlers =
            new ArrayList<>();

    SpecificEndpointAdapter specificEndpointAdapter = new SpecificEndpointAdapter();

    return specificEndpointAdapter;

private MarshallingPayloadMethodProcessor methodProcessor() {
    return new MarshallingPayloadMethodProcessor(marshaller());

private Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller() {
    Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller();
    return marshaller;

The MyEndpoint :

public class MyEndpoint {

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