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jsf p:tree checkbox selection

How can I select only a parent node (in a checkbox p:tree) without the children ? By default the children are also selected, what I want to avoid. So the problem is, that I can't select a parent node without selecting the children too.

Is there a solution? maybe with a method?


here is my code:

<h:form id="selectCategoryForm">
    <p:tree id="categoryTree" value="#{bean.categories}" var="node" selectionMode="checkbox" selection="#{bean.selectedCategories}" >
            <h:outputText value="#{node.path}" escape="false"/>

在树表上设置propagateSelectionDown="false" ,以禁止选择沿树传播

You can use:

<h:form id="selectCategoryForm">
    <p:tree id="categoryTree" value="#{bean.categories}" var="node" selectionMode="checkbox" selection="#{bean.selectedCategories}" >
        <p:ajax event="select" listener="#{bean.onNodeSelect}" update="@this"/>
            <h:outputText value="#{node.path}" escape="false"/>

and on the bean:

public void onNodeSelect(NodeSelectEvent event) {
    TreeNode treeNode = event.getTreeNode();
    TreeNode parentTreeNode = treeNode.getParent();

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